Finally I’ve found time to have my own thoughts. There are many things I love about the Christmas holidays- the decorations, the food and catching up with friends and family but, as a happy introvert I’m always looking for a spot of peace so I can recharge my batteries. I love writing and my photography as they bring me into a delicious stillness and a connection to the landscape. My garden brings both a sense of calm and excitement as I make little plans for the year ahead- shall I grow more veg? And if so, which varieties and what will I cook. Maybe I’ll plant that rose bed I’ve been dreaming of. My garden and thoughts are much the same, ever evolving, change is a constant and I revel in it. The only thing guaranteed in life is change, I find that a comforting thought. That and the not-knowing, there’s a magic in that if you stop to think about it. I thank god I can’t see the future, the suspense of the could be’s drive me on and ideas flow in and out. It’s like sowing seeds, some will germinate and go on to bloom, some fizzle out and others don’t even get started.
Some years I set goals, other years I may choose words (freedom is always top of my list) and other years I just wait and see what happens. There is a constant though, a driving force, it’s never been any different since I was a child. And that is creativity. A garden big or small is a wonderful creative space and mine has evolved quite a bit in the last year, the biggest achievement being the new greenhouse and raised beds which I’ll share below in just a moment. But first, I want to ask you a question. This question popped in my head as I was enjoying my frosty morning walk and contemplating my art practice.
How invested are you? Do we give ourselves enough time to develop and grow within our interests and pursuits or, do we give up too soon? How long is long enough? Ok, so that was a few questions but I’ve been thinking about this and the fast pace we feel forced to live at now. I want to just take a minute to tell you that there isn’t a race, nor are there any medals. If something feels right for you but you’re feeling frustration, maybe a little kindness is in order. There is no point standing over a seed tray willing things to grow if you’re not invested in taking the time to nurture the seeds, to water them, keep them warm, transplant them and feed them. There are many stages to growing flowers and veg and patience is required. With that in mind, what do you need to nurture your own ideas? I can tell you now, you need nurturing yourself if any ideas are to ever bloom and that means taking care of yourself first. Eating well, drinking enough water and gentle exercise, a walk maybe, get you thinking or clear your head, noticing your surroundings. Lastly there is joy- time spent doing something that either relaxes you, brings a smile to your face and makes breathing feel a whole lot easier. If any of these are off, then you can’t expect to grow properly.
When we bought this house, just over two years ago now, I had a vision to create a centre to the garden, a heart if you like. A place where I could grow flowers and vegetables and sit amongst them and also a place where I could style my creations, take photos and write from, maybe even paint in. Those plans sat in my head for well over a year but they were forming slowly.
The whole design was hard work. We spent weekends cold and miserable with machinery that didn’t work and the wind and rain were relentless. But we got there in the end and now the end is just the beginning. We’re now a full two years in and the garden has evolved and is still doing so, I have more ideas and there’s lots more to do. We are planning on having open gardens in 2026 so this year is the year to get everything settled in and growing well. The winter is a time for planning and lists. It will be slow to get started but I’m determined to make the most of things right now like curling up with a good book, drinking amazing tea and finding new warming recipes, some general nurturing before the work starts and of course writing to you. I love writing these journals and sharing things with you.
I guess what I’m trying to say is just enjoy the process and treat yourself kindly. Ideas take time to flourish, much like a garden.
I’ll be back next week from the greenhouse with my garden ramblings and arrangements.
See you soon.
Emma x
This was an inspiring read, thank you Emma. I have a huge garden and I dream of creating a space like you have, but it's incredibly daunting. Thank you for the reminder to be kind to myself, and to take my time and nurture myself through the process.