Hello my flower loving friends, I can’t believe the difference a week makes. I took these photos last Friday when it was sunny and I was walking around my garden cutting flowers and making up arrangements for a pop-up flower stall we were doing. Now the garden is rain damaged and flooded in places. Anyway, I just wanted to share them with you. For me they were the last of summer as autumn has properly kicked in.
This year I’ve welcomed Lilly my daughter to join me in A Bunch Of Wild. Lilly is training to be a florist and doing work experience with me. It’s been amazing having her on board and made me realise how much I’d been carrying on my own for so long, it feels right now to share some tasks of the business and hopefully Lilly will continue to develop her own style, although it’s not a million miles away from my own- it’s nice having a fresh mind on things.
I have a few new ideas and direction I want to take A Bunch Of Wild in next, I like to change things and evolve naturally, it’s important to keep a business developing and moving along so it stays relevant. At the heart of it all is still the garden, nature and the changing seasons. I’m looking forward to bringing more art inspired by nature to the table and more seasonal styling. I love autumn, I just wish this rain would stop so I can get out there and forage for beautiful fallen branches and lichen covered sticks. Autumn is a time I find I can truly start to relax after what always feels like a hectic summer. I’m looking forward to coffee with friends in coffee shops with windows thick with condensation and low light, whilst the smell of good coffee and the sound of people catching up drifts through the room. I’ve been lighting my candles and turning on the fairy lights and cleaning the house from top to bottom in preparation for the c word. The first fire has been lit and I’m just starting to think about picking and storing the apples and all the lovely things to make and indulge in. I’ve just started a new walking regime so I can eat all the pies. Anyway, I’ve gone on long enough. Hope you enjoyed the pics and I hope they’ve inspired you to gather the last of what looks good and bring it indoors.
Emma x
Wow! That are all so beautiful. I love dried flower arrangements as well as fresh ones.