For me, Autumn, September mainly, is the time when I realise that despite my best efforts, summer has run away from me and I feel like I’ve been too busy. Busy doing stuff, planning stuff, avoiding stuff. Summer is always manic but Autumn I relish! I think it’s the kids going back to school that relaxes my shoulders. I don’t know why as mine have grown up and haven’t been in school for some time. But there is a definite shift when the school term starts. I think, like a child, September marks a fresh start. New stationary, or seed catalogs as I now call it. Clean note pads ready to make lists of what to grow and future plans for the garden. I love this time when everything feels calm, there is warmth still in the days and I can sit outside with my new stationary and start again, slowly and with purpose.
My list this year is going to be long and I’m looking forward to starting it! You see, I’ve only been at this new garden for not quite a year. And it’s mostly been about getting straight after the move. We downsized in house, upsized in garden, everything has taken some adjusting. But now, now I’m ready to start thinking about the garden. But before I go there, I just wanted to share some of my favourite images that I’ve taken over the past couple of weeks.