Hello dear friends,
My apologies for not writing last week, it was all a bit manic as we were packing away our Ampthill store.
So… I have a few goodies for you.
Firstly we have been working like mad to create our new shop in our garden studio! We are so nearly there. I loved having the shop in Ampthill but I always knew it would be tough in spring/summer if we kept it as I really need to be in the garden growing the flowers! Moving our shop into our studio seemed the obvious solution. Once a month we will be open to our friends (that’s you!), with the idea being you can see the garden and where it all happens, then pop into the shop to see all our lovely wares and buy our plants & flowers.

I hope to hold a lot of workshops here too!
Speaking of workshops, I have a few new dates for your diary. As they are so popular I’m doing three more ceramic workshops on botanical plates on the 26/3, 30/4 & 21/5. I’m also hosting at my home another seed sowing morning for cut flowers, this is more something nice to do than an actual workshop but I do share my tips and tricks with you for successful cut flower growing.
I know some of you struggle with the dates but I do offer one-to-one and group bookings (up to four) on any of my workshop subjects and at a time convenient to you, please get in touch for more info.

I have also just added these cut flower seeds to my website, my four favourites to get your cut flower patch started!

Plus I’ve just put this beautiful reclaimed brick box on the website too. Perfect for storing your seeds or for potting up spring bulbs.
I’ve still lots more to share with you but I’ll write again soon!
You can click the link below to visit my online store where my workshops and lovely things are for sale. And if you have a friend who you think would appreciate our newsletter too then please share it with them.
If you no longer wish to hear from me, that’s fine too. Please click unsubscribe from the bottom of the page.
Emma x