My dear flower loving friends,
I’m so disappointed to tell you that I shall be cancelling our first pop-up that was due to be held this Friday and Saturday from our garden studio/shop.
I’ve taken advice and both my husband and I feel like this is the right thing to do.
I shall still be doing my deliveries for those of you that have already placed orders.
I’ve also cancelled my home workshops and if you were booked on one you will have already been issued a refund.
It’s so surreal right now, I’m really struggling to get my head around it. However, I am trying to stay upbeat!
In my weekly newsletters I will continue to tell you what we are doing in the garden and hopefully I can indulge you in a little escapism just for a while.
At the moment we’re waiting delivery on a greenhouse… I think its stuck in China right now… no I’m not kidding. So my garden room is a jungle mess of cuttings and seeds. We’re also planting lots of veg and salad. And our chickens have just started laying again! We’ve only got two at the moment as we had a visit from Mr Fox last year but we’re looking at getting some more soon. We have bantams as I find they don’t scratch up my plants.
We also did our first farmers market at Woburn last Sunday and despite it being fairly quiet and crap weather, we still did really well and had an amazing time!

You can just about make out the new shop through all the flowers, I’m so gutted you’re not going to see it for a while.

If you wanted to order anything for Mother’s Day from the online shop, I will do my best to get it in the post asap!
I shall still be posting over on Instagram and you can reach me there.
Stay safe!
Emma xx