Hello my flower loving friends,
Do you like my new space? What with the mr working from home full time at the minute we’ve decided to swap studio/office. So I’ve moved into our conservatory and been making it my own all week. Cue lots of house plants (more to come) and rustic styling. I’ve quite enjoyed it actually and thought you might like a peak…
My favourite plants right now are oxalis (far left), pilea (middle) and a mini palm. I’ll be bringing in more as the days start to shorten and the house becomes too dark for them so by the beginning of November I’ll have quite a jungle to work in, that’s ok, plants make me very happy.
I bought my old desk from a local house clearance guy (Ken @ Second Hand Alley if you’re local to Bedfordshire). And I’ve placed scaffold boards on an old table for extra working space, plus i love the texture and patina.
Of course I now can’t shut my door on my inquisitive animals anymore so I’m frequently visited by the cat & dog, not so bad until the cat decides to eat my dried flowers or walk across my paintings and wet clay.
So now I’m in, my attention has turned back to my business and creating beautiful things. I kicked off today with making some ceramics which are going to be adorned with blue roses and hand painted birds and I’m just looking into opening our online Christmas decoration shop again.
As Autumn creeps in there will be cutting back in the garden to be done but I’m holding fire on planting seeds as we’re still hoping to move after Christmas. We were supposed to move just before last Christmas but it all fell through last minute and I just didn’t have the energy to go again. So this time we’re crossing everything and praying very hard! We’ve made this garden really work for us and A Bunch Of Wild over the years, but we’re so ready for a new challenge! You know when you’re just done?…
I know I’ve just mentioned Christmas three times… four, I’ll stop that now.
I keep thinking we’re on Friday already but i will wish you a lovely weekend anyway,
Emma xx