Hello dear friends,
So… weather permitting of course, my pop-up flower stall will be taking place at Woburn farmers market this Sunday (15th of March) 9.30am-2pm.
I’m incredibly excited as I started the business this way, I had a stall at Hitchin farmers market first then went on to set up the original flower stall in Ampthill. A shoulder injury put pay to my market pop-ups for a while but now I’m back! And at Woburn too, one of my favourite places.

Find my flower cornets, tulip wraps and my signature box posies all bursting with seasonal loveliness.

And if you want my plants, ceramics and other lovely gifts for the home then I would love to invite you to my pop-up shop from my home studio in Flitwick. This pop-up is for my newsletter subscribers only and you are welcome to bring a friend or two. It’s on Friday the 20th of March 11am till 1pm and also on Saturday the 21st 2pm-4pm.
The address is 40 Chapel Road, Flitwick, MK45 1EB. Please note that this is a residential street and I ask you to respect my neighbours when parking. My house is the Victorian one on the inside of the bend, both gates will be open for you and I’ll pop a sign out too. My home pop-ups are quite exclusive and I shall only be doing a few a year. I really hope you can make it to one or the other, it would be lovely to see you!
Once again if you know anyone that would love what I do then please feel free to share this newsletter, equally if you’re no longer interested in hearing from me then please unsubscribe at the bottom of the newsletter.
Hope the rest of the week is kind to you.
Emma x